Wednesday 31 May 2017

"The Habits Of Wannabee Highly Effective Writers"

This month's Writers In The Brewery in Cirencester featured my Catchword colleague Pam Keevil as guest speaker. She gave a very interesting presentation, using the principles outlined in Steven Covey's "The Habits Of Highly Effective People" as a springboard from which writers can work. The principles have definitely worked for Pam, whose new novel "Virgin At Fifty" will be published by Black Pear in September. She's mastered several genres in the past - including such disparate areas as children's fiction and erotica! - and she continues to write prolifically.

Two of Pam's principles that struck chords with me related to Covey's "syngergize" and "sharpen the saw". Under the practical aspects of synergizing, Pam spoke of the value of checking out what you are doing with other people; I've written before about the value I place on my writing groups but I would re-iterate how incredibly helpful I find the constructive criticism from my fellow members. "Sharpening the saw" Pam exemplified by looking at keeping up to date, studying what's being published, what's selling well, what's winning competitions, to challenge ourselves, to prompt us to try new avenues in our writing.

Pam is a very good and entertaining speaker. It was certainly an enjoyable evening - and one that left the audience with plenty of food for thought.

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