Tuesday 27 May 2014

Another move into the 21st century ....

I don't know why I held out for so long against e books. I acquired a Kindle about a fortnight ago and it's wonderful - so portable, so easy to use. The first book that I've read on it, a free download, is Emmeline Pankhurst's "My Own Story" - not a book I would probably have picked up in a book shop but one that has absolutely fascinated me. A very different style of writing, of course, a hundred years ago, but such a moving and inspiring story, outlining the desperate measures women had to resort to in the fight for the franchise. As she predicted, much has been written on the struggle for equality since, but I wouldn't have missed reading her own account.

Emmeline Pankhurst 1858 - 1928
"Other histories of the militant movement will undoubtedly be written; in times to come when in all constitutional countries of the world women's votes will be as universally accepted as men's are now; when men and women occupy the world of industry on equal terms, as co-workers rather than as cut-throat competitors; when, in a word, all the dreadful and criminal discriminations which exist now between the sexes are abolished, as they must one day be abolished ..."  and a century later we still have such a way to go ....

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