Nothing like striding out in the fresh air to clear the mind of everyday minutiae and to enable you to think constructively. I got very little writing done during the week but a lot of planning, most of it on the hoof. Much of the stretch we walked I had known in my youth - a very different existence! - and all sorts of recollections with writing potential came flooding back.
This month I've got to concentrate on the commitment I made for NaNoWriMo (and I've managed one of the four articles so far) but I'm squirrelling away a number of new ideas for use as and when opportunities arise later. As ever, we've come back with endless photographs and notes - I've learned from experience though that these need transcribing ASAP as jottings hastily scrawled in a damp note book as you're slogging up a cliff on a muddy, slippery footpath are virtually indecipherable a week or so later!.