Wednesday, 26 June 2019

"We all have tales to tell..."

What are you doing for National Writing Day? How are you celebrating it? There are so many events on, all around the country, aimed at inspiring people in the UK to discover the pleasure and the power of writing. It's not just about the committed, the well known, the already converted - Michael Morpurgo reminds us that "We all have tales to tell. We just have to find a voice to do it. Find the voice, tell it your way, it's your story." Some of my best writing moments haven't been telling my own tales, but helping other people to tell theirs - in nursing and residential homes, in day centres, in supported living facilities - seeing the satisfaction and the pride that can come from putting together and setting down a story, a poem, a memoir on paper or screen.

National Writing Day is co-ordinated by First Story, the national literacy charity. There are loads of resources on line ( to use individually, in schools or in writing groups. There are prompts for scriptwriting, a "soundscape" exercise to fire the imagination, contact details for organisations and follow-up events. I'll be off this evening for a celebration in a community library in the Forest of Dean; I hope you enjoy whatever activities you're involved with today - and happy writing!

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