Thursday, 7 July 2016

"The Writer's Room"

I'm delighted to be hosting some of "The Writer's Room" programmes on Corinium Radio over the next couple of months, standing in for Rona Laycock. Each programme features three local writers who read pieces of their work and discuss their writing. I've very much enjoyed taking part in the programme in the past and it will be fun to be on the other microphone for a change!

Last year I was talking to Paul Dodgson, who writes extensively for radio, about his residency at a school in the south west where, on arrival, he found that the young people were totally unused to listening to spoken word on the radio - it was music or nothing as far as they were concerned. Knowing Paul's teaching ability, I'm sure that his encouragement must have ignited much interest and enthusiasm there, but I'm saddened to think that many other young people may not have that opportunity and consequently miss out on a lot. I've learned so much, and had great enjoyment, from listening to stories, plays and poetry over the years (and they have certainly taken my mind off cleaning, cooking, ironing, the general minutiae of everyday life!). On the long drive to school my children would listen to story tapes and can recall favourites almost verbatim twenty years later.

If you would like to listen in to "The Writer's Room" you'll find it on line at; the programmes are broadcast at 14.00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday one week, and then rebroadcast at 14.30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday the following week. Hope you enjoy them!

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