Sunday, 1 November 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015

November 1st yet again - and all over the world aspiring novelists will be beavering away to get that first draft of their novel of 50,000 words written in a month. Good luck with it, everyone!

Whilst I'm not on the novel tack, I am planning to use the month for a really concentrated focus on my writing. My first task is to actually take stock of where I am at the moment; I have had several projects on the go for a while  - these need prioritising, then whipping into shape (and hopefully - for some - completing); vague ideas for poems and plays (a couple of notebooks worth) need thinking through and fleshing out. So I'm pledging at least half a day every weekday, starting tomorrow ...

If you feel inspired to do something but are not quite sure what it's all about, do look at the National Novel Writing Month website - lots of information and encouragement there, and you'll certainly have a lot of company!

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month

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