I'm back at home for a rest! A wonderful week at Swanwick but fairly knackering - so much on offer and you don't want to miss anything. On the learning programme side, topping my list would have to be John Lamont's "Succeed On Purpose - In Life And Writing" - a motivational course with a difference - followed closely by Barney Bardsley's "Writing About Loss And Recovery". On the social side - well, where to start?! The Buskers Evening was great (some real musical talent there) and "Page To Stage" - a series of five minute plays rehearsed and produced within 24 hours - showcased some great thespian skills too. The last night pantomime was a take on "Romeo And Juliet" and brought the house down. All in all, a tremendously enjoyable and valuable learning experience - one I'll certainly hope to repeat next year.
Richard at the "Dregs Party" before dinner .... |
.....and Richard after dinner! A good time had by all. |
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