Sunday, 17 January 2021

In the right direction

Out walking the dog early this morning I came across the first snowdrops I've seen this year, and lots of daffodils not far from opening. Last week I saw some early lambs in the fields. The first signs of spring always raise my spirits tremendously but this year doubly so. We may have a fair bit of winter still to go before temperatures rise and the sun makes a concerted effort, but just to know that we're moving in the right direction now cheers the days along no end.

It's been an interesting week with two great workshops alongside the wonderful poets Ben Ray and Anna Saunders. Ben's was entitled "Journeys Into And Out Of Ourselves" and Anna's "Our Imagined Futures"; both fitted the current situation perfectly and both produced some fascinating work. I was also able to attend the Gloucestershire Poetry Society's Crafty Crows evening where David Clarke was headlining, supported by my Women Aloud colleague Cathy Baker. On the page Cathy's poems, with their fantastic richness of language, always move me greatly, but to hear her reading them takes them to another level. A really special evening.

Friday, 1 January 2021

New Year, new book!

 After nine months of lockdowns and restrictions, I think we've recognised that we can't defer all our hopes and plans. They may need reappraising, they may need adapting, but we have to drive them forward one way or another, we have to keep our momentum going. So much hope rests on the vaccines now becoming available but life as we knew it won't reemerge overnight and living can't be put on hold indefinitely. 

So - new year, new book! I'm delighted that Waymarks, my poetry collection published by Graffiti Books, is available as from today. The current situation precludes the launch originally planned of course, but as soon as a suitable degree of "normality" resumes, there will certainly be a more appropriate celebration!

You can find my books for purchase at

Wishing you all the very best of luck with your ventures in 2021. Here's to a brighter time ahead for us all.