I've been using my one permitted outing of the day for early morning walks with the dog in our local (deserted) woods. This morning, with all the primroses, wood anemones and violets out, the birds in good voice and the sun coming up on the other side of the valley, it was as if the natural world was at odds with the social. Everything was so peaceful, so as it should be, yet only a short distance away health care staff are fighting for the lives of so many patients in this our worst-hit part of Wales.
But now it's back to the desk with an article to finish by the end of the day. There should be few distractions to keep us from our writing for the time being, of course, but the temptation to go for frequent news updates is difficult to resist - though it probably doesn't much help our mental health. Better to immerse ourselves for a while in worlds of fiction, poetry or less depressing fact!